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Internet Television Version 0.01

May 25th, 2009 12:00 am

internet tv theory

Soon we will have access to internet television. This posting is part of a series focusing on the transition of traditional television broadcasting to internet tv programming. Separate posts will be dedicated to both the interface and the control of this new to be standardized internet medium.

(Personal ADVERTISEMENT - the internet tv designs I work on are all ten steps ahead of the technology I describe here - contact me at for investment opportunities.)

Give us a Moblin, personally me an Android, unless Microsoft can figure out their policy in time and provide us with what we really need. Sorry RIMM, the future for this market is looking bleak for you as of now in my eyes. Linux, this is where I'd like to see you gain some traction. Nokia Symbian, let's see what you can do. It would make sense for the initial offerings to come from cable, satellite, and telecom television/internet service providers. In areas where smart grid powerline internet is offered, utility companies could venture with innovative web startups to develop an open source aggregation interface.

Start with a net top box, and the key here is simplicity. Sure, every techie, gadget lover, and everybody who is into and can afford new technology will go out of their way to enjoy the internet programming of the future, such as Boxee. The unfortunate reality is that in order to reach the masses, internet television must become simple. The most complicated part of the system is that it would require cat 5e or wireless-N broadband internet connection. For the sake of familiarity, it makes sense for the isp content aggregators to utilize a channel block at first. Each software controlled channel could choose a version of the internet content specific to either the css viewport, browscap, device signifier, or something other relevant. Each "internet channel" provider should make efforts to develop their own unique signature style, and there should be a remote button dedicated to a standalone web browser. An example of the framework could be a tailored os that autoloaded a "channel viewer" application. Like before, the remotes would control the box wirelessly, and include programmed hotkeys for functions of the "channel viewer" program. (Later posts will specifically cover future remote designs.) Let's briefly discuss the remote. Elongated typical tv remote with joystick to start. Eventually we will figure out that the game style joystick paddles work better, unless the price drops on another hardware sooner.

The video overlay ad model will have to change. Viewing internet advertisements that interrupt our viewing and request us to cancel them out is not a sustainable model if we are to accept them for our everyday full screen entertainment viewing. These channels could include Hulu, YouTube, and other video aggregators. I could easily see Digg, Reddit, and even VideoSift having channels that we surf through. If Facebook has in on any of this, we could see a toolbar that keeps us socially connected with our peers for anything we are watching. The best channels would have interactive function, such as Aviary and Photoshop Express.

That is what I see for post 0.01.

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