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Bootstrap OK

April 5th, 2010 12:00 am

Been building it alone for over 2 years, now it’s almost a business that fits in my hand. It was only supposed to take 3 days, yet iterations are routine as the road map infinitely grows. What you’re building isn’t exactly in the world yet, and you’re never a me too unless it makes sense. Either way this one aims to be the best easy easy.

The prototype is a flinstoning mvp because building a business based on another stack won’t cut it. You’re building a product aimed to be easy to use, high performance, and made available on every media type and screen size on the planet. At least pretend to make the idea look scarce.

You’re boot strapped, armed with knowledge and computers internet, building a dream you believe you can make real. No pedigree or family for money, less facebook friends than twitter followers, just keep building it and survive to and through launch.

When the only thing that matters is the founder vision, stick to believing the community, team, and funding will come once you’re done, bootstrap ok.
Take a head start on the startup advice, angels are waiting, and the world needs new commerce models.

There’s no impressing investors without a beta product and some market traction, and thanks to Disqus and Twitter you can get to know some of them before…

It’s you vs. the execution of the next best idea.


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