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Internet Engineering

Boston Dynamics Big Dog funded by DARPA

Lets engineer and develop an automated robot dance show internet business. We will create a robotic engineering informational authority website that has a database for robotic devices and how they are made. We develop a niche website that aims for the robot lover demographic. After we create a user base for the robotic information website database, we begin to offer paid subscriptions for your weekly showing of synchronized Big Dog robots choreographed dance show. People would pay to watch these marvels of the world even if they were remotely operated.

Did you see the antennas on top of the Big Dog robot? We could send commands to it via a rs232 wireless transmitter. We could even wake it up with a wireless wake on lan device then have it carry out programmed dance routines. You could design the routines weekly and upgrade the robot's dance sequence database remotely via this wireless transmitter. This wireless transmitter is connected to a secured server and you could connect to it over an encrypted path through the internet. We could create a web server application that allows premium paying customers to create custom dance routines from the available dance sequences in the robot's computer database.

Holding the top organic search engine rankings would be the easy part. People from all around the world would link to the website naturally. Your automated internet engineering masterpiece would be one of the most unique and innovative web presences on the planet. The dance routine database could be installed on the robots or centrally at the server that is connected to the wireless transmitter. Having databases on each of the robots would allow for dance shows that had each robot performing different dance sequences. Since the robot is programmed with physics and bio-mechanics these robots will pick themselves up after stumbling over each other, but including that into the business model would dramatically increase your business expenses with the additional cost of robot maintenance. After enough dance routines were programmed into the robot's database(s), the original robot dance programmers and engineers could retire and the internet business could virtually run on its own. Cron job automation sequences could routinely upgrade the server and even carry out a predetermined business model. Automating the timing of promotions and events could reduce your overhead in the long run. Every three months your automated internet business could hold a robot dance show contest where premium users of the site compete with each other for the best choreographed dance set over a specific time interval. The public would have an opportunity to vote and another web server application could automatically talley the votes each quarter and crown the robot dance show user champion with an animated trophy and some kind of monetary award.

This website is not affiliated nor endorsed by Boston Dynamics or DARPA.

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