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The Internet Dream

i see internet

I see internet. I see internet enabled television that has a navigation bar similar to that of a Microsoft PC. The purpose of this navigation bar has only one function - enabling a web browser. The web browser enables cloud computing of all sorts. This browser can communicate with other computers networked in the same location to share personal files of virtually any kind. It can even function with the simplicity of switching a CSS display property to turn on or turn off the web browser viewport. Streaming HD videos, free streaming internet music, and social media communication would all be a click away. Learning about anything we would ever want to know would be at our fingertips using internet search engines and web encyclopedias.

I see internet. I see internet enabled video telephones with portable operating systems such as Android powering true video conferencing, access to internet phone directories, and telephone service from IP telephone providers that will change the way we think about phone companies. These internet enabled devices could have applications for creating shopping lists, todo lists, maps and more that could all be synced with internet enabled mobile phones to make the chain of information in our lives seamless.

I see internet. I see internet enabled GPS vehicle navigation systems powered by portable operating systems that utilize free internet mapping services, social media dining recommendations, speech to text messaging services, internet radio, and much more. Syncing with home data libraries would always be effortless with these innovative smart vehicle navigation systems. The option to "dock your vehicle" would equate the vehicle syncing automatically whenever it arrives within the "home" wireless network.

I see internet. I see internet enabled artificial hearts that automatically send a signal out to emergency units if the unit ever were to fail. The internet enabled artificial heart would also periodically send updates out to the doctor of the artificial heart patient with the operating statistics and working condition. With these updates being sent out periodically there could even be an automated messaging system that sends out email and text message reminders to the patient for regular checkups. Furthermore, the internet enabled artificial heart could also monitor cholesterol and other blood related concerns that could be periodically be sent to the doctor for remote monitoring of the artificial heart patient. If cholesterol levels become too high, or other remotely monitored concerns arise, an email and text message notice can be sent to artificial heart patient's internet enabled mobile phone to set an appointment for a doctor visit.

I see internet. I see internet enabled assembly lines for every industry. Whenever a raw material runs low in a robotic assembly line, an internet enabled device sensor will send an order request to the raw materials distribution company ensuring that the production line is always in supply. The automated operation of the device will cut costs, increase efficiency, and reduce errors. This intelligent hardware can even send periodic status messages to a centralized system that can monitor the devices operation and condition.

I see internet. I see internet enabled vehicles with portable operating systems and multiple applications to handle every detail regarding the vehicle's condition. Vehicle data would routinely be sent to the vehicle manufacturer so that a complete accurate record of the condition is always maintained centrally. Whenever the vehicle is in need of service, a web application on the manufacturer end automatically sends a detailed email to the vehicle owner regarding the necessary vehicle service along with a text message notification.

I can go all day with possible uncharted internet technology innovations for now and in the future.

seeking venture capital

My name is Jason Nadaf and I am seeking venture capital for consumer internet technologies.

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